Signs to Replace Your Nissan Engine Air Filter | Nissan Parts
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September 16, 2021

6 Signs It's Time to Change Your Engine Air Filter

You're probably already used to regular oil and oil filter changes. The little sticker on your windshield helps remind you! But what about your engine air filter? This filter isn't talked about as much as your oil filter, but that doesn't mean it's any less important to maintain.

If you can't remember the last time you replaced your engine air filter, you might be overdue for a new one. Learn how to tell when it's time for a new engine air filter and how to replace the filter on your own.

What Does the Engine Air Filter Do?

Your Nissan has multiple types of filters, including a cabin air filter and an engine air filter. Cabin air filters help keep dust and allergens out of the air that flows into the passenger compartment of your Nissan to help keep you from breathing in contaminated air. An engine air filter serves a similar purpose, but it filters the air solely for your engine.

As you drive, everything under the hood—including your engine— is exposed to all kinds of contaminants on the roadway, like dust, dirt, dirty water, and more. Not to mention, vapors from other vehicle fluids (like leaking windshield wiper fluid) could heat up and get into your engine. The engine air filter is designed to stop these contaminants from entering your engine and causing excess wear or damage to its internal components.

How to Know When to Change Engine Air Filter

Now that you know about the importance of your engine air filter, let's talk about when you should change it. Most vehicle manufacturers recommend changing your engine air filter somewhere between every 12,000 and every 30,000 miles. That's quite a broad range, and the optimal interval can vary by vehicle make, model, and engine type (and driving conditions and habits can affect the interval, too). Consult your Nissan owner's manual to find out when to change the engine airfilter in your specific vehicle.

If you're unsure when to change your engine air filter, stop by your local authorized Nissan service center, or stay on the lookout for any of these signs.

1. You see black smoke coming from the exhaust pipe.

Your engine burns gasoline as it runs, and the engine's efficiency relies on maintaining a specific ratio of air to fuel inside. So, if there's too much fuel and not enough air flowing through your engine, that excess fuel isn't used to power your engine—it's just pushed out the exhaust pipe as dark black smoke (by the way, if the smoke is any color besides black, it could be time for an exhaust system repair or upgrade).

So, what causes this lack of sufficient air? You guessed it-- a dirty engine air filter. If enough debris and dust have built up on your engine air filter, air can't pass through at all, leading to little or no airflow in the engine.

2. You notice a decrease in gas mileage.

If your engine is spitting out unused gas as black smoke rather than consuming it (as mentioned in #1), it's almost certain that your engine's fuel consumption will increase. If you've noticed a recent decrease in fuel economy (and haven't changed your driving habits), a dirty engine air filter could be to blame. Check the filter (see below for instructions on how to do it) and replace it if it appears dirty or worn.

3. Your engine takes longer to accelerate after you push the pedal.

A blocked or dirty filter slows the combustion process in your engine, which can compromise your engine's performance. More often than not, this manifests as a noticeable lag between the moment you press the accelerator and the moment the engine accelerates.

4. Your engine has a noticeable lack of power.

Even if acceleration response time hasn't slowed significantly, perhaps you notice that your engine just doesn't have the same “get-up-and-go” as it used to. You're probably not imagining things— a dirty engine air filter can cause this lack of power, too.

5. You hear spitting or sputtering noises coming from your engine.

While some engine noises (like knocking or ticking) can indicate issues with car parts in and around your engine, spitting or popping sounds may mean that your engine isn't getting enough airflow. Check your filter, and try replacing it to see if those engine noises stop.

6. Your check engine light is illuminated.

There are several reasons why your engine light may come on (read up on them here), and one of them is a dirty engine air filter. If your check engine light is on AND you notice any of the other signs on this list, a dirty filter could be triggering the light.

How to Check and Change Your Engine Air Filter

Fortunately, if your engine air filter is the root cause of any of these signs, it's easy to check the condition of it and change it yourself. Moreover, it's easy to save time and money when you replace the filter from home. Here's how:

  1. Pop the hood and locate the air filter housing. Usually, it sits just off to the side or on top of your engine and looks like a black plastic box connected by a hose.
  2. Open the air filter housing. You may need to unclip or unscrew any mechanisms that hold it together before it will come apart in the middle.
  3. Once the housing is open, you should be able to remove the filter entirely. Then, inspect it carefully, checking in between the pleats for black spots or dirt buildup.
  4. To install a replacement filter, simply remove your new engine air filter from its packaging, then place it into the housing with the rubber rim facing upward. You may need to wiggle it a bit to ensure it's all the way seated (you'll know if it's not lined up or all seated properly if you can't close the housing again).
  5. Close the two parts of the housing and secure them with the screws or clamps that you loosened when you opened it.

Choosing the Right Engine Air Filter: Shop Genuine Nissan Parts

You don't drive just any old car—you drive a Nissan! And you want to ensure your engine stays in tip-top shape for as long as possible. To get a perfect fit for your engine air filter and any other car part you may need, turn to Nissan Parts. Order online today and have your Nissan air filters and accessories delivered straight to your doorstep.

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